Have you considered Lulu Publishing? As self-publishing becomes more and more popular with writers, we are all looking for every avenue we can find to make sales. The invention of print-on-demand has made huge inroads into helping keep costs down for the self-published author, with Amazon, as usual leading the way. I want to concentrate on another player in the market I am sure you have read about and that is Lulu. many writers are looking for options to help them succeed as authors. The good thing is that we have also seen an influx of businesses offering print-on-demand services, while others also include distribution services for self-published books. Lulu , or as it’s also known, as Lulu Press, is one of the most popular names for self-publishing. Lulu is strongly considered along with KDP Print and other mainstream players in the print-on-demand industry. Lulu, however, has received criticism for the substantial cut of their royalties, driving authors to co...