If you are looking at eBook publishing Amazon offers three opportunities. · Kindle Direct Publishing,(KDP) · Kindle Direct Publishing Select (KDP Select) · Kindle Edition Normalized Page (KENP). (KDP) payments are paid at two rates. KDP at 35% KDP select at 70% KDP 35%- This is an offer that allows you to sell your eBook on amazon for a royalty of 35% of the book sale price. The plus side to this is you are free to sell your eBook anywhere in addition to Amazon. The obvious downside is you are taking a reduced royalty, some find not being at the behest of selling their eBook only on Amazon as a major advantage. This is the simplest format really, you decide to sell at 35% for access to other platforms. KDP Select 70% - Here you strike another deal with Amazon. The deal is 90 days exclusi...